Multi Color Entertainment

Art in the room - Kai 36. Hotel & Café Bar

Art meets space.

Canvas encounters coffee.

Art Café

There are well over 150 works of art at the Kai 36. So you won’t have to stray afar for some inspiration. If you care for some company, Esther Stocker can spare some time while you are having your tea and Harding Meyer’s quizzical look will seem rather intrigued after one – or two – glasses of wine.

Art at Café Bar - Kai 36. Hotel & Café Bar
Art at Café Bar - Kai 36. Hotel & Café Bar

Full tilt relaxation.

Go with the flow but counter the current. 66 feet above the Mur river the view might well be called breathtaking. Going up one level you can catch that breath again while relaxing in between fig- and peach-trees, a 12-foot-cucumber and a free-climbing Formula-One race-car.

Pool and art - Kai 36. Hotel & Café Bar
Pool and art - Kai 36. Hotel & Café Bar